Blog Sky Lanterns

by Rob Selen

How to launch our chinese flying paper lanterns?
Sky lanterns are not that different from hot air balloons, it is the heated air that makes this chinese lantern fly.

Launching or sky lanterns is not difficult, all it takes is enough hot air inside the balloon. It is obvious that heating the air as shown on the left will not work out, these lanterns are grounded forever! However, the guy on the right either knows his natural sciences or simply did read the attached manual: this is how you do it! One person holds the lantern from the top while the other lights the fuel from below.

Hint: the more of the four angles you will light the sooner the lantern will fly, normally it takes about 90 seconds.

Making our lanterns fly is not that difficult at all!

Patronal Saints day with sky lanterns

by Rob Selen

For the second year we have used your Sky Lanterns for the patronal saints day event. Your lanterns for the second year in row have caused joy for both children as well as adults.

thank you and till next year.


June 15 2019: Launch 1000 Sky Lanterns

by Rob Selen

This 15th of June it will be the fourth time that 1000 of our sky lanterns will be launched in the stoical town center of Vasanello Italy. A better proof of our quality can't be given.

Our Sky Lanterns have CE certification, are fire resistant, biodegradable and have a mounted fuel cell: open, light and they fly.

This implies that:

  • They are safe and safety is the most important feature. Not all lanterns you find for sale on the web or in shops are the same, there's a lot of dangerous lanterns for sale with not mounted fuel cells, not fire resistant paper, dripping fuel cells and even contain asbestos.
  • They are easy to use, within 90 seconds they will fly.

Martin Luther King

by Rob Selen

The assasination of Martin Luther King, now 50 years ago

On 4 april 4th 1968, shortly after 6 in the afternoon, il reverend Martin Luther King, one of the most influencial and important politicians of the 1900, is gunned down on a Hotel balcony Memphis Tennessee.

We have dedicated a sky lantern to him with his famous text 'I have a dream'!

Sky lanterns with your text, logo, foto or wish stamped on the flying lantern

Fire department launches sky lanterns

by Rob Selen

We, Mille Belle Cose SRL, want tu say thank you to the fire department from Rieti Italy, they have chosen to use our 70 sky lanterns based on quality and security.

All together for the global day of Autism, united together in order to make them fly to the high skies. These little blu symbols of hope for all the families that have to confront on a day to day basis this illness.

Even though wheater conditions were not great, all 70 sky lanterns took off one by one. Small gesture for an important project: the global day of autism. a Rieti

Midnight Sun e Lanterne Volanti

by Rob Selen

What do the film 'Midnight Sun' and Lanterne Volanti in common? Seems nothing. In 2010 we were asked to participate in a documentary about the same disease: The Dark Side of the Sun.

The film "The Dark Side of the Sun" was presented at the Rome Film Festival on 11/4/2011. The movie is coproduced by Rai Cinema – Doc3, DR2 (Danish National Television), NHK (Japanese national television), YLE (Finnish National Television) and is distributed by Films Transit, the company that received the award as "distributor of the year" at the festival Hot Docs Canadian documentary.

The film describes the universe of a rare disease, Xeroderma Pigmentosum, which forces few kids in the world to live away from sunlight, in complete isolation. However, this does not happen at Camp Sundown where the sick children of XP can meet and play together at night, hoping for a normal life.

Lanterne Volanti (NL) and Mille Belle Cose SRL has worked on this project as Artistic Consultants and associate producers: our sky lanterns have lit up these kids spirit, and have contributed to their special summer. Watching the night sky covered with floating lights allows adds a magic dimension. Our creativity through a wide range of articles to contribute to this important and at the same time emotional project.

The director of the film, Carlo Hinterman, surprised us with his invitation to the red carpet in Rome where the documentari was presented for the first time. And so, on 4 novembre 2011 we were walking on the Roman red carpet together with all the other participants of this project, little after Richard Gere. It was not us the VIPS but the kids and their families!

Have a look at the Facebook page as well.

La Giornata mondiale della consapevolezza dell’autismo

by Rob Selen

Molti gli appuntamenti per la sensibilizzazione e la migliore conoscenza nei riguardi dell'autismo previsti per il 2 aprile in occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell’autismo! Vengono organizzati in tutto il mondo eventi, letture, incontri, convegni e mostre per sensibilizzare istituzioni e opinione pubblica sull’autismo. L’obiettivo della giornata è quello di far luce su questa disabilità, promuovendo la ricerca e il miglioramento dei servizi e contrastando la discriminazione e l’isolamento di cui ancora sono vittime le persone autistiche e i loro familiari.

il colore dominante della giornata è il blu, si rinnova infatti la campagna mondiale “Light it up blue”, ideata dall’organizzazione Autism Speaks, che prevede di illuminare di blu i principali edifici delle città di tutto il mondo, come testimonianza della sensibilità nei confronti delle problematiche legate ai disturbi autistici. Anche le nostre lanterne volanti blu vengono usati nelle manifestazioni.

Anche il Ministero Dell'Interno è con noi: con le nostre lanterne volanti luminose per la giornata dell'autismo.

Lanterne Volanti Luminosi Cinesi per la giornata mondiale consapevolezza sull'autismo Rieti


by Rob Selen

Since 2011 our candle bags and sky lanterns have lit the squares in Italy during Earth Hour.

We are the Technical Partner of WWF Italy.

Simultaneous launch of Sky Lanterns: how to

by Rob Selen

Simultaneous launch of Sky Lanterns: how to
  1. Demonstrate in advance how to open and light the lantaarn, ask all participants to wait for the start signal.
  2. Make sure that everybody has a lighter.
  3. Have the participants open the lantern.
  4. On 'ready set go' everbody lights his lantern, lighting more angles of the fuel cell makes the lantaarn heat up quicker.
  5. On 90 seconde after the 'ready set go' the signal 'go', participants can liberate the lantern in order to make it fly
Following the above procedure will make a simultaneous launch a success. Attached an example, the commercial for Eni shot a couple of years back at Rome. Art director of the commercial was Cesare Danese, he orders every year sky lanterns for New Years Eve.

Simultaneous launch of Sky Lanterns: how not to

Attached a film shot during an Italian event, festivities in the village. As you will notice there are lanterns that go up and immediately fall down, or don't go up at all. Why is that?

It does not depend on the quality of our lantaarns, the failrate is 0 % if lanterns are used correctly. All is caused by the time people are waiting for the go signal! Seems strange, all it takes is lighting the lanterns simultaneously, right?

Yes, that is correct, but there lies the problem, not all lanterns are lit simultaneously without ta proper procedure. With big groups there are always people that can't wait and think: 'I'm going to lite up mine so I don't have to wait'.

On the other hand there is always someone that lost his lighter, is third in row to light te lantern and after is given the lighter will read the manual and light te lantern.

By the time the second person has the lantern heated up properly, the lantern of the impatient participant will be almost spent. The lanterns to go up and fall down soon after are being launched by impatient lantern launchers.

It is possible to launch lanterns in order to have them fly away all together, all it takes is put in place a procedure and stick to it. But the risk is impatient people in your group that will spoil it.

Fix sky lanterns to a rope?

by Rob Selen
Can i fix a sky lantern to a rope like a helium balloon?

We advise not lo attach Chinese flying paper lanterns to a rope, it can cause dangerous situations, after all a sky lantern is designed to fly free!

We from time to time use this technique in order to make pictures of the lantern while it floats in the air. But then again, we work with lanterns for about 10 years now which makes us experts, we know how to handle them.

In the absence of wind the risk is small, the lantern will rise and stay more or less above your head.

If there is a gush of wind it is a different story, the wind will try to make the lantern move sideways, the wire will block this movement and make it tilt. The flame will remain vertical, the lantern will be tilted, the flame will touch the paper. Our lanterns will not catch fire since we use fire retardant paper, but being very thin paper the flame will burn a hole in this chines paper lantern making the hot air escape and the structure fall down with the fuel cell still burning.

Don't try this at home!

How to light our lanterns

by Rob Selen

How to launch our chinese flying paper lanterns?
Sky lanterns are not that different from hot air balloons, it is the heated air that makes this chinese lantern fly.

Launching or sky lanterns is not difficult, all it takes is enough hot air inside the balloon. It is obvious that heating the air as shown on the left will not work out, these lanterns are grounded forever! However, the guy on the right either knows his natural sciences or simply did read the attached manual: this is how you do it! One person holds the lantern from the top while the other lights the fuel from below.

Hint: the more of the four angles you will light the sooner the lantern will fly, normally it takes about 90 seconds.

Making our lanterns fly is not that difficult at all!