4 LED Lights for Hanging Lanterns

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Christmas Sky Lanterns - Wish Balloons

  1. Send us your text, foto or logo and we will put it on the Lantern. Sky Lanterns have the shape of a Hot Air Balloon
  2. Height of the lantern is about 80 cm, the size of the wrapped lantern is 40 x 40 x 0,3 cm
  3. Lanterns have a fixed fuel cell and are ready for use.
  4. Paper used to construct the sky lantern is fire resistant
  5. Lanterns are biodegradable: we are the technical partner WWF Earth Hour
  6. Every lantern has it's own wrapper and manual

Use of Sky Lanterns in a nutshell

Lees aandachtig de instructie op de verpakking

  1. Read with attention the manual that comes with the lantern
  2. Take the lantern out of the wrapper and open it well
  3. Remove the paper around the fuel cell
  4. Light at least 2 corners of the fuel cell, that way the lantern heats quicker
  5. Heat up the lantern for 90 seconds before letting it go
  6. Check if the lantern is ready to fly and when it is let it go.